Episode 6 welcomes Broadway ticketing mastermind, Brian DeVito. With 30 Broadway shows under his belt, Brian knows every in and every out of how audiences buy tickets, when to sell and when to buy, and how 2020 changed his specific side of the industry. Everything you thought you knew about walking up to a box office with your AmEx in hand is turned on its head. PLUS – get a listen to two exciting new tracks from Black Girl In Paris (Jacinth Greywoode and AriDy Nox) and Medusa (Rachel Dean and Wes Braver).
Guest: Brian DeVito Host: David Brush Theme music composed by Rachel Dean Episode 6 – The New Broadway Ticket Buyer
“Free” From Black Girl in ParisCreative Team: Jacinth Greywoode and AriDy Nox Performers: Britney Nicole Simpson, Britney Coleman, Heath Saunders, Morgan Smart, Emma Claye, Christian Thompson, Jacinth Greywoode
“You Walk Woman”From MedusaMusic by Rachel Dean; Lyrics by Wes Braver
About the show: Based on the original Greek myth, MEDUSA is the story of a woman who tries to make her own fate in a patriarchal world. When the god Poseidon assaults her by the sea one night, she learns just how little power she holds in the supposedly free and enlightened city of Athens. As Medusa fights back against both gods and mortals, rumors fly about this angry woman with “snakes in her hair.” The legend is born. Told with modern language and a darkly energetic score, MEDUSA is an ancient tragedy that is as timely and necessary now as ever.
The song “You Walk Woman” takes place just after Medusa is left alone on the beach by her assailant, Poseidon. In traumatic shock, and as her sister-priestesses look for her, she makes her way home.
Performers: Medusa: Alexia Sielo Steno: Claire Wilcher Euryale: Joie Raymond Eritha: Madison LeMieux Karpathia: Isa Rodriguez Ensemble: Chaseton Cain, Cameron Michael Chase, Darah Doaher, Emma Garrett, Justin Harmon, Kamya Harrison, Emily Herman, DJ Isabella, Maya Joyce, Morgan Lynch, Emma Maki, Marshall Ross, Kamryn Sarratt, Sydney Schneider, Lane Straub, Rachel Vos, Mary Claire Zauel
Orchestrations by Wes Braver Mixed by Jacob Yandura
Recorded with Michigan State University as part of the imaGEN program (Brad Willcuts, coordinator)
THE BUSINESS OF BROADWAY is a production of KGM Theatrical. Our theme music is composed by Rachel Dean. This podcast is supported by word of mouth from listeners like you. If you like what you’ve heard today, please tell your friends on Twitter, Facebook, or wherever you else you gather online, to subscribe. Even better – If you like our show, please rate us 5 stars on Apple Podcasts or like us wherever you listen to podcasts. Your positive rating will help us reach more listeners just like you Do you have a question for us to answer on a future episode? Ask us by tweeting #AskKGM on Twitter. Check the show notes for all the details on the music featured in today’s episode.